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I have never been a person who would go ahead and hug people unnecessarily. I am often amused at the way people take the liberty to go ahead hug others, especially the people they care about. I know that a hug feels great, it feels relaxing but again It's a personal choice I make. However, over time I have come to know that although a hug feels great, there is a certain warmth to it, kind of an affection that makes me and probably others feel that everything will be okay. At the age of 28 just when I was discovering this amazing feeling, the Coronavirus had other plans. It asked people to maintain distance, wear masks, wash hands. Hugging was becoming a scary process and maintaining a safe distance was preferred. I on the other hand was ok with going through this. I never hugged people anyway and thought this would be easy for me until I actually met people, met friends after a long long time. Even if I didn't think of hugging, they definitely wanted to. More than hugging I now...

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